Weight Loss goal tracker!

Weight Loss Center - Your Online Weight Loss Support Group

Friday, September 14, 2012

Well obviously my previous post was a bust.

I am so disgusted with myself. I gained back weight this Summer!! Try 20 pounds!!! I am so ugh....Jeesus
I decided when I weighed today that I am going to just restart hardcore like I did when I first started.
NO extras, NO nothing.
Jut 5 medifast meals, and one lean and green, and when I say lean and Green I mean Lean and Green
Chicken and Fish grilled, and Vegatables that is it!!!

I can't gain all the weight I lost back, it will not happen, and better yet i cant do that to my dad who has paid money for this program since I started.

I have been exercising every morning at 5:30 and I have not really been eating that bad...IDK what is happening...I guess it's the extras like cheese, or fruit snacks or something. I stay away from the carbs....IDK
all I know is that I am totally going to be focused on losing weight, school, and well that's all.
no boys, no Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, because I just deactivated them.


I am determined....sinced I gained a shit ton of weight back I am going to be in this soooo much
Start weight: 390.2
Current weight: 320.2
Goal Weight: 190.2

I am so close yet so far.
Here it goes.

Sept. 24, 2012....Day 1 of the rest of my life again.
I am also going to log on everyday and say how my day was...because if I I have to report something bad well then I won't report it will i??
I am also going to start a new weight tracker I think...i dont know maybe not. probably not.

First weight goal
On October 9th I am singing for a masterclass and I am really excited...I am going to lose that 20.2 pounds by October 9th....DO I thinik I can do this?? I do believe that I can!!!!! I can I can I can I can!!!!
Going to buy a scale today, and a new water bottle.
Here goes nothing!!!!
Can't wait to tell my mom. I think she might be disappointed in the weight that I have gained but it's okay because I am going to work really really hard on getting it off again. I CAN DO THIS! (:

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's been a long time

I have been so busy these past two months...school is finally over, and i've moved into a house, and am working 3 Summer jobs....my weight has been fluctuating and I have not lost anything at all really... between 10 pounds just freakin fluctuating...but I have not been really following the plan like I was.
My family is going on a beach trip this coming week so I am restarting. Getting back in a routine when I come back, and losin some more weight!
I am happy o say that I am in a size 20 pants, compared to the 28 I was in when I started.
My goal for the next two months...well by august 9th I want to be in at least a size 16!! I got this!! I can do it! (:
If I can accomplish this, my next goal will be to be a size 14 for my birthday which is September 4th. I will be "skinny and twenty"!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! wow! I forgot how much my blog helps with motivation.
I went to buy a bathing suit for the beach today, and it was a size 18, and it fit!! Can I get a hallelujah!! (:

I feel pretty skinny in this picture!! (: (except for my pretty fatty arms that are slightly shrinking but that's cool) It's just my big ol booty that is having trouble shrinking can't wait to start getting on the elliptical again instead of plain ol walking! (: Things are going to happen for me! This summer will be a successful one, and I WILL reach my goals! (: Medifast come at me! (:

Size 16 and 14 meet Kayla Lynn Blanchard! (: (: (: (:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

It has been a long month! 4 pounds from 100!!!

We finished the opera so I was super busy, and have not been on in a long time!!! I was super busy...so I kinda slacked off this month, but I lost exactly 10 pounds when I weighed today!! I finally made my halfway goal mark, and i am about 4.6 pounds from having lost 100 pounds!!! I can't wait till I get over that hump!! The end seem so so so close!! I am too excited! (:

This is a picture from the program of our musical in the fall which was right when I started in October, and the second picture was taken Feb. 2, so about 6 months after!! (: It's a definate difference!! (: and i'll put a few other pics from the show on here too, for the memories!! (: and from this past month1!! It was a good one! (: P.S. The show costumes were pretty crazy!